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March 2022
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Daniel Dumbrill has another powerful post "The Media's Public Manipulation Exposed From the Inside: A CBC and Steven D'Souza Case Study" Here is my comment:
Excellent post! I have commented earlier on AJ+'s "How the Threat of China Was Made in the USA" and posted it on my blog. I explained that I once worked for the mainstream media and even built a national Chinese language television station in Canada. I ended up living and working in China for almost two decades, learning the shocking truth that Western mainstream "journalists" were without exception paid liars to smear and denigrate China by any and all means. Steven D'Souza cannot possibly tell the truth as his livelihood is at stake. One only has to refer to Upton Sinclair's succinct comment on the mainstream journalist's freedom to lie, "It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it." Now we know why Steven seemed to listen intently, nodding his head all the while, and then turned around to lie as was required of him. His job was to lie for the lord of lies; why would he do anything different? Sure he was shameless, but people have done worse for a loaf of bread. Steven accuses others of being paid, but why should anyone listen to him when he is without question a paid liar and a minion? Is he not paid? And what is CBC but a tool of imbeciles? I do not say this because I can slander as well as the next guy, but because I have direct knowledge. Here is another blog of mine titled "How do we know that certain people are lying about China?" The first example actually comes from Daniel Dumbrill. I added my experience from three decades ago, "I was privy and even party to some rather unpalatable transactions ... I knew how the foremost investigative television program of Canada was manipulated ..." I did not mention the culprit and victim in that post, but I will do so now. The program was The Fifth Estate of CBC. The investigative "journalist" simply accepted the lies as fact because it implicated China. There was no evidence and no proof. The editor quickly approved the piece because it was a great anti-China hit piece. How do I know? I was the one who created the illusion and duped The Fifth Estate. It was in fact a bunch of wealthy people trying to make a hostile takeover of the TV station. I did not approve of the unwanted publicity but I was overruled. I was a member of this cabal for other reasons, and my involvement was secretly approved and encouraged by the CRTC. Recognize that most of what we read in the news does not even begin to scratch the surface of the truth. If we accept without question the lies of our government and our mainstream media, then we are fools and we deserve to be lied to. Daniel Dumbrill is exasperated because the voices of truth are not heard. At some point, the truth speakers need to learn how to attack the liars at the pocketbook, which is the reason behind why they lie. But for now, just exposing them will be damaging enough.
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11/2/2022 07:49:08 pm
The task will be daunting but has to be done!
9/3/2022 10:58:26 pm
In the west(you know where), we are free to talk that does little good for us, that does very little good for the country.
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