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How I became a political pundit (1)30/12/2019 Part 2
Part 3 Part 4 Since I decided to become an author, I have started writing articles on a knowledge sharing site known as It’s one way to hone one’s writing skills. Here are the links to some of the more popular articles I’ve written: What is China? Goodbye Mr. Rittenberg? At the same time, I was being invited to join the China Writers Group (CWG), a network of writers who have personal experience or knowledge about China. Most of these writers are not Chinese, writing almost exclusively in English, and generally hold divergent views from the mainstream. Members of this private club share links to interesting articles, make comments, and express themselves rather freely. Everything said in this little forum is meant for private consumption. We don’t even know if anyone in the group reads the messages until someone responds or makes a comment. Here is an account of my journey to becoming a political pundit: On Nov. 17, a CWG member posted a link under the heading “Fun read.” On Nov. 18, I posted: Peter Man: “I used to read a lot of Libertarian stuff; Lew Rockwell, Justin Raimondo who recently passed away, Ron Paul, Mises Institute, Sovereign Man, Zerohedge, etc. Like every other ideology, Libertarian-ism has its merits, but in the heart of their hearts, they are selfish and hypocritical, sort of like a lot of the Democrats and the Republicans. It's the nature of capitalism (I will share my contemplation on this subject another time). It's therefore laughable when Tyler Durden [Nom de guerre used by Zerohedge] attributes superhuman intelligence to Trump's erratic, bumbling, and crass behavior, trying to save the world in his own inane, immoral, and irresponsible ways. I don't want to waste a lot of time explaining what Trump is. He has never worked a day of his life for society. He is suddenly prepared to risk his business, his family, and his fortunes (let's see what happens to the Trump empire after 2020; the lawsuits will not go away) to benefit mankind? This is a sign of serious delusion on Tyler's part. It also shows that Trumpism is a widespread disease and extremely contagious. “Trump says one thing and means another. He switches his position every other minute. In fact, he will tell bald-faced lies so patently false that one begins to question whether there is any truth to those lies. Trumpism describes a special talent for creating a sentence by connecting two clauses which diametrically contradict one another. It's a paradox and an oxymoron. I call it a paradoxymoron. Notice how on the one hand, superman Trump teaches America and the world about ‘fake news’ by creating ‘fake news’ justifying his own incessant lies, on the other hand, we're supposed to trust every word Trump says when he tweets that he will pull out the troops from Syria (not the first time). When that turns out to be a lie (not the first time), Tyler then wheels out the nebulous ‘Deep State’ for us to blame and vilify. “Zerohedge was fun when it lasted, I may check out an article now and then, but I basically stopped reading it cold turkey about ten years ago. Tyler of course was fast and loose with his interpretation of European history as the secret manipulations of the Rothschild brothers (it's like my book's theory that the secret Shang clans have been manipulating Chinese history for three thousand years). And in his valiant attempt to beatify Trump, Tyler mentions nary a word about China and the trade war. Deliberate omission is also a lie. Trump is the king of lies not because he is teaching America about anything. He is the symptom of American democracy. He is the soul of America. He represents America which has been living in a cesspool of lies. Trump stinks to high heaven but the stench originates from the cesspool. Tyler is extremely disingenuous to suggest that Trump is here to save the world. We shouldn't be fooled. Trump, Tyler, and all of us here are just swamp things that have emerged from the cesspool. “One thing positive can be said about Trump though, is that while he's damaging America to the point of no return, he is at the same time weakening the Imperium Americanum as well. I predict in our lifetime, we will see the USD lose its predominance. The people of America will have to wake up from their stupor and rebuild from scratch, like what China did. I'm quite certain China will help America build its infrastructure and invest in factories. They may even want to make Nike shoes in America again, using mostly robots made in China. Cheer up. We'll live to see the day.” [Four comments followed saying they had voted for Trump and would likely vote for him again because of a lack of choice from the Democrats, and Trump was the only one who was anti-imperialist.] On Nov. 19, I responded: Peter Man: “By now, we should acknowledge that voting is perhaps not the answer to every social ill. The Greeks and the Romans did that long ago and it didn't seem to work very well. The Romans immediately resorted to gerrymandering and cheating. The Greeks paid for votes. Both controlled the populace with endless wars. Do we hear history rhyming? The reason for failure is simple. We cannot depend on humans to run complex human societies successfully for long periods regardless of the system. Humans are too flawed. It's a fool's errand. “Americans with normal brain cells from the left, right, and center continue to talk of American democracy as some sacred cow to be defended at all cost, while China is supposed to have a backward system run by ‘tyrannical thugs.’ Well, let's do a thought experiment. American democracy produced Trump. Chinese ‘tyranny’ produced Xi. Trump's approval ratings are in the 30's (Americans are unbelievably forgiving) while Xi's are in the 90's. Godfree [read Dr. Godfree Roberts’s articles at and] has a whole slew of US-vs-China graphs showing which system is doing a better job for its population [China is better, of course, by far]. If you have a choice, who would you choose? “Elections being elections, you gotta do what you gotta do as a patriotic American. On the other hand, never forget that politicians lie, especially American politicians. Obama was also a peace loving anti-war electioneer. He even got a pre-emptive Nobel for his anti-imperial anti-war peace-loving rhetoric. I remember the day people were weeping with joy that Obama was elected, and that America would be saved. They elected a liar of course [I told them so]. Well, the Donald is about a thousand times worse in terms of his constant and bald-faced lies. “But do not despair, all this will pass. Come 2020, use your vote to make a joke if there's nothing better to do; Caligula's pony comes to mind. Supporting a selfish lying misogynist racist is probably not advisable if only for health reasons.” [Continue to Part 2]
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