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The new Agenda for Peace24/11/2018 Dave Lefcourt posted the following article as an urgent call for peace: End the provocation to Russia and China that could lead to war, a war that the US cannot win.
Here is my comment: If protests ever worked, there would be no war. To those in power, a peaceful protest is but a slight irritation less significant than a flea bite. After all, who are the US leadership? They are Americans elected by the people and given unlimited power to wage war. Notice how there is never any arguments from the people about being saddled with unmanageable debt to fund all these wars, so that the 1% and military industrial complex can profit from them. Notice how the people send their sons and daughters in harm's way so that they can come home in pieces to be buried in honor. Notice how these democratically elected leaders threaten, sanction, starve, terrorize, torture, bomb, and slaughter millions from all around the world with impunity, and then they retire with honor, glory, and wealth. Don't blame it on Trump or the 'leadership.' The people allow it to happen. Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, "A man can't ride your back unless it's bent." If the people of America really do not want war, all you've got to do is the following: Gain control of the three houses and de-fund the military. Make them apply and justify for everything. You can use a fraction of the war budget to fund free college, Medicare for all, housing allowance, and basic income for all Americans. What's left can go to infrastructure and job creation. If war-mongers want to advocate for war beyond defending the homeland from invasion, then let the advocates (1) pay for a license and a higher tax rate for war advocacy; (2) pay for all war expenses (nondeductible) out of their own pockets; (3) send themselves and their own children into the line of fire (the children may of course disown their parents and denounce them publicly to avoid going); (4) receive no political protection if they are charged by international courts for war crimes; (5) put up a hefty bond in case the country is sued for damages; (6) be disowned by their country if they're ever captured; (7) be banned from taking public office for life; (8) be deprived of any overt media support on pain of debilitating fines for both the advocate and the offending media, and (9) if they come home after not winning a clear victory and gaining peace with honor, be given to the angry mob and thrown over the Tarpeian Rock. Peaceful protests sounds nice, but if the people of America want to stop the warmongers, you'll have to take the war to the warmongers. Let them have a taste of their own wars, then peace will have a chance.
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