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March 2022
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Americans left, right, and centre despair of a knight-errand or a messiah to descend from heaven and miraculously right all their wrongs. Here I shed some light on an article of anguish by a lefty writer demanding accountability and culpability.
John Stanton's Counterpunch article: US Commission on the Pandemic of 2020: No Culpability, No Accountability for 70,000 Americans Killed in 60 Days Here is my email to John Stanton: Dear John, America cannot afford to be accountable now. Since the end of the Second World War, the people of America have been electing war criminals, giving them unrestrained authority, funding them with unlimited budgets, sending their own children all over the world to bomb, kill, starve, terrorize, slaughter, rape, plunder, and destroy lives by the millions. The few courageous whistle-blowers are punished severely while the criminals and murderers enjoy impunity, wealth, and prestige. The American people blame the government or the politicians, but then they'll just elect worse criminals and liars to commit more crimes. I can feel the anguish in your words, but even you don't seem to have an answer. The problem, my friend, is not only stupidity, but hypocrisy. Americans as a people who own their government cannot wash their hands of all the atrocities committed in their name and with their funds, while enjoying complete impunity. If Trump is a lying racist misogynist (I forgot to add selfish, greedy, unscrupulous) moron, think of what it says about the best democratic law-abiding god-fearing country that elected him. You may disagree, but Trump represents America; he is the soul of America. After all the investigations and the impeachment, after all the unending and incessant baldfaced lies, even on the day he suggested injecting bleach, Trump's approval rating was 49%. Should we pin our hopes on Biden? No Culpability and No Accountability enjoyed by the American people finally blows back. You can't ask for accountability without being accountable for all of America's past sins and victims (I have an inexhaustible list but I'll just mention Camp 731 as an example of American egregiousness), otherwise it's just hypocrisy. Hypocrisy is a two-headed snake; it bites the hand that feeds it. Is there hope? According to the politicians and corporate leaders, we do, and that is "Blame China." What will be China's response? They will likely go their own way, as if the Americans had never come. They had done that before in 1949 and survived. They will do significantly better nowadays. No need to worry about a shooting war between US and China. Study the Korean War and you'll know why. The ignorant lying MSM pundits will make a lot of sound and fury, signifying nothing. The military knows the history. They ain't gonna try. Actually, there is a way out for brave, upright, and intelligent Americans. Martin Luther King Jr. said: "A man can't ride your back unless it's bent." All one needs to do is to stand up. Unfortunately, MLK can't stand up no more. He learned the hard way. You don't take a bullhorn to a gunfight. Peter Man Pounding the sand Blog John Stanton's response: Peter M, Very, very well said. You are right: my words mask despair. Yes, Trump is a product of America. Trotsky said Hitler didn't just fall from the sky into Germany 80 some years ago and so neither did Trump in 2015. The quote from Norbert Weiner that accompanies this text is quite accurate, I think. We are, after all, on Tiny Blue Dot, as Carl Sagan said and all that that means. Thank you so much for your insights and, moreover, taking the time to read the piece. John S
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