AuthorPeter Man Archives
March 2022
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War on Coronavirus6/9/2021 America has just lost a war in Afghanistan to a small band of goatherders armed with personal weapons. Their excuse is they want to concentrate on their "no live-fire" all-encompassing war against the rising China and their other long war against Covid-19. I do not intend to speculate on the outcome of the US-China conflict, as my unwanted opinion usually raises a lot of heckles. I will however comment on the cunning and incorrigible coronavirus. The following is taken from an email I wrote to a group of friends who have spent much energy discussing the various issues relating to Covid-19.
"New technologies such as mRNA have not been tested for long term adverse effects. Western governments and Western health institutes are saying nothing about this health risk. They're encouraging the people to be guinea pigs with their prevarications and obfuscations. How do we know people years later or their next generation will not develop auto-immune problems? How do we know they will not lose their ability to defend against other common infections? How do we know they will not suffer from a higher rate of heart congestions? How do we know a larger percentage of vaccinated people will not develop dementia at an early age? We don't know any of that. That is also the reason why some countries such as China develop vaccines based on the known and safer technology of the weakened virus, which allows the body to build up defense on its own. On first brush, it appears that this technology is less effective than the all new fancy mRNA, but it is safer. And even safer does not mean ironclad, as biology is not an exact science. "As for effectiveness, vaccines do help the individuals to survive infections. It is a numbers game. If you have less people flooding the hospitals, serious cases are more likely to survive with the proper hospital care. Vaccines have helped to eliminate or reduce many infectious diseases. I remember when I was young a classmate was attacked by polio. He was crippled for life. Polio is now non-existent in most modern societies. I remember every kid used to have measles, some kids died from it. I remember quite a few childhood friends who died very young from some infectious diseases which are preventable with modern medicine. Nowadays, such childhood deaths are very rare. This is not to say health experts do not make mistakes, or they don't care about making money from their profession, or that there are no evil doctors, but that is the problem of capitalism. You will have that as long as you have capitalism corrupting everything it touches by the Big Lie of the almighty printed dollar. Aside from human avarice, people defend the Big Lie because they are rewarded with some degree of freedom from its oppression. People who are not in the elite class do strive for that, and they become the Henchman class, or with less nefariousness, little Eichmanns. The Big Lie survives and oppresses the rest because of this class. "On the other hand, developing an effective vaccine cannot by itself defeat a coronavirus. It has never happened. In fact, no coronavirus has ever been defeated by a vaccine. The reason is that the coronavirus mutates rapidly as it spreads in a population. If only one mutation survives the vaccine, it will spread and multiply as long as there is no measure to stop the spread. That is how I successfully predict every time that there will be another wave. It is impossible that healthcare scientists do not know what is almost common sense. America has refused to implement such stop-the-spread measures because they infringe on people's freedom. The government and their scientists refuse to tell the truth, and it is right that people do not trust them. The truth is very simple. Learn from China. But what is the chance of those who spend their life defending the Big Lie saying that? There is a better chance of finding a snowball in hell, unless it is the ninth circle of Dante's Inferno, where it is freezing cold. "Hence with resignation we witness yet another wave in the West. As for the millions who have received mRNA vaccines and act as if life has returned to normal, we watch with trepidation the years and decades down the road, if a large percentage of them would develop health problems. Biology is not an exact science. There will be unlucky ones, some of whom may not even develop any symptoms with Covid-19 in the first place. Tough luck. Nobody told you that you're a guinea pig. "Meanwhile, China has zero cases with extensive and exhaustive testing, mandatory tracing, strict quarantine, lockdown where necessary, applying a safe vaccine, masking where there are crowds especially in an enclosed environment, and making sure nothing returns to normal until there has been zero cases for two to three weeks. Don't forget that the world did not need a vaccine to stop SARS-1, and China stopped SARS-2 within its borders early in 2020 with no vaccines. But all you hear on MSM is how ineffective China's vaccines are. Ignorance is not a sin, but ignorance of one's ignorance can be deadly."
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Selina Ramadge
6/9/2021 04:03:38 pm
An astute observation and thoughtful piece. So much self-defeating fear & ignorance with and without Covid vaccines here in the U.S. - science totally cowed, silenced & perverted by politics & big Pharma!
Robert Temple
17/10/2021 07:50:52 am
Never thought I would see America become collective dementia. No one in my circle, aside from family, have the sense to side on precaution and knowledge to find out the side effects or long-term consequences of a vaccine that has no predecessor.
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